What is carnelian semi-precious stone marble

What is Carnelian?

Carnelian, a semi-precious gemstone, is hexagonal with hardness 7, refractive index (1.54-1.55) and chemical formula (silicate chalcedony (SiO2)). Carnelian is Quartz varying from transparent to almost opaque. Colours range from red, orange, amber due to presence of iron oxide. It is found in Brazil, India, Russia (Siberia), and Germany.

How Carnelian formed?

When liquid lava from explosion of volcano cools down, it forms rocks. At the time of cooling, silica acid bubbles shifting from gas/liquid state into solid compound.

History behind Carnelian

The red Carnelian has been in use since early Neolithic in Bulgaria. First use of (16+16) facets on both sides Carnelian beads was known as “Varna Catholic Necropolis” during middle 5th millennium BC. In 4th-5th millennium BC, in Mehrgarh, holes were drilled in Carnelian using bow drills. Excavation at Knossos on Crete proves Carnelian was used in Minoan layers of Bronze Age (1800 BC). Romans used Carnelian to make seal rings for hot wax.

In Egypt, master architects wore Carnelian to show their rank as builders. Alchemists of the Middle Age used Carnelian to activate energy of other Chalcedonies. High Priest used Carnelian in their breastplate to prevent illness, and plague.

Carnelian Usages

The orange colour is associated with passive female energies including fertility of Mother Goddess Isis. It is believed that Carnelian enhances desire, love and passion. In addition to that, Carnelian is the minor jewellery stone which is mainly used for the decorative purpose.

We, Artefactindia prefer to use the ornamental stone Carnelian for decorating our marble inlay products which are manufactured by our own expertise artisans. We chose to heat the decorative stone Carnelian stone in order to enhance its colour in such a way as it should matches with the inlay products of ours.

To know more about our Carnelian gemstone inlaid products, get in touch with our customer support team by dialling our customer care number +919557221114. 


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